Nayi Dishayein: Spring School on Rethinking ‘Development’ by Sambhaavnaa Institute [Sep 1-12]: Register Now


Inequality and injustice are deeply entrenched in the socio-cultural and economic fabric of our country today, and the economic gaps in particular, are widening at an alarming rate. The pandemic has exposed and exacerbated the brokenness of the enigma which is: Development.

The narratives of ‘modern development’ seem to have picked up speed under the pandemic, exemplified by the Central Vista Project, the so-called modernisation of Lakshadweep, and lack of policy-level discussions stimulated by the economic, unemployment and agricultural crises.

These ‘macro’ level events continue to exist alongside some of the other problems as parts of our everyday lives have been compromised due to inequalities in access to dignified healthcare facilities and quality education. In the rush for digitalization, our desires to seek technological solutions for most of our structural problems are becoming monsters of our own aspirations.

About the Workshop

Sambhaavnaa Institute has for the last eight years been organising a participatory, reflective and perspective-building program on ‘Rethinking Development’ called Nayi Dishayein.

This program aims to interweave theory and practice, focusing on building a varied and dynamic understanding of some of the pertinent issues facing our society today. Ideas are never context-less, so, this September, we shall avail this opportunity to understand the sociocultural and political contexts that have led to the present climate in our country, with a focus on development and pandemic.

In this program, we work with young people to:

  • Deconstruct, and critically examine, the notion of development – to understand it as a field of ideas.

  • Examine the root causes of growing inequity in distribution of wealth and resources and opportunities, and its impacts on nature and people, in a society fractured along the lines of gender, caste, race, class, ethnicity, religion, sexuality, knowledge, and language.

  • To re-examine and challenge our beliefs, views, convictions, and privileges resulting from the enduring power structures that stem from the social markers of caste, gender, religion, and class; and how they are linked with the notion(s) of development.

  • Examine how the State and its institutions of policy-making and governance influence these power structures and vice versa.

  • Assess possibilities of transformation through people’s actions, through an exposure to, and dialogue on, a range of initiatives/movements towards a more just society.

The workshop will use an interactive and didactic approach to learning and will have a collaborative curriculum – themes, concepts and case studies. Through the mediums of interactive discussions and conversations, field trips, theatre, film/documentary screenings, lectures, songs of resistance, and sharing of lived experiences by activists and scholars, we shall engage with the abovementioned themes.


If you are in the age group of 21-28 years and seeking an engagement with the above deliberations, or you are just figuring out how to frame the questions you would want to ask yourself or trying to understand the interconnections between different issues that you see around yourself, especially in the wake of the pandemic, then please join us for an intensive collective churning on them – to open up ‘nayi dishayein’ in both your thinking and … hopefully, living.


  • Interested candidates can register via this page.

  • Date & Venue: 1st to 12th September, 2021, Sambhaavnaa Institute, VPO – Kandbari, Tehsil – Palampur, District – Kangra, PIN 176061, Himachal Pradesh.

  • No. of seats: Due to coronavirus pandemic we have reduced the size of the batch to only 15 participants



Participants would contribute an amount of Rs. 8500/ – towards workshop expenses, inclusive of all on-site workshop costs: boarding, lodging, and all the materials used in the workshop. Need-based partial waivers are available; we have a very limited number of partial waivers, so, please apply for a waiver only if you really need it. Please do remember that there may be others who need it more than you.



Call: 8894227954


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