About the Journal
The CADR Journal of Dispute Resolution (CJDR) is the official publication of Centre for ADR, National Law University Delhi and is dedicated to recognize and foster academic research and scholarship in ADR methods. This biannual journal intends to examine the latest developments in the field of ADR and its interface with commercial law, particularly in light of comparative international perspectives. While it is a primarily legal journal, it also addresses analysis on allied areas, such as sociological and psychological research on ADR.
The first edition of the Journal, CJDR Volume I Issue I 2021, was successfully launched earlier this year which had contributions from authors across the world in the form of insightful articles relating to issues of contemporary relevance. The first edition of the Journal is accessible here.
Call for Papers
CJDR is now accepting submissions of manuscripts for publication in Volume I, Issue II of the Journal. The deadline for submission of manuscripts for the forthcoming issue is September 15, 2021.
Latest Trends in the field of Alternative Dispute Resolution
General Guidelines
The Centre for ADR has recognized that the journal needs to attend to the ongoing discussion on practice. Thus, the journal invites contributions that take note of challenging aspects of the development of ADR methods in light of but not limited to the technological advancements, digitalization, expansion of ADR to various fields including energy sector, IT etc.
This Issue welcomes a variety of methods and approaches (qualitative and quantitative as well as mixed-methods, literature reviews, theoretical concepts, etc.) to engage with this theme and seeks to bundle research on the latest trends in the practice of ADR.
Who can Submit?
CJDR accepts submissions from academicians, legal practitioners, research scholars and students encompassing but not limited to the themes mentioned above.
Submission Guidelines
The CADR Journal invites contributions in the following categories –
Articles – Between 5,000 – 7,000 words, inclusive of footnotes.
Essays – Between 3,000 – 5,000 words inclusive of footnotes.
Case Notes/ Legislative Comments/ Book/ Article Reviews – Between 1,500 – 3,000 words, inclusive of footnotes.
Formatting Guidelines
Co-authorship for the manuscripts is permissible. However, the number of co-authors must not exceed two.
The manuscript should be in English and should have a title and a brief synopsis/introduction of the chosen topic.
Submissions should be in Times New Roman font, size 12, 1.5 line spacing, justified text, and 1-inch margins on all sides.
Footnotes should be in Times New Roman font of size 10 with 1.0 line spacing. Endnotes are not allowed.
Citations and footnotes should be in accordance with OSCOLA.
Other Guidelines
All manuscripts must necessarily be accompanied with an abstract of not more than 250 words.
The author(s) are also required to provide their biographical information in a separate cover letter and, along with an undertaking that the manuscript is the original work of the author.
While the submission is under the process of review, it shall not be considered for publication by any other platform. Please note that in the event that a manuscript submitted to CADR Journal has been submitted and accepted by any other Journal, the author must withdraw their submission from the Journal. If the manuscript is accepted first, the author must withdraw it for consideration from all other Journals. Failure to do so will lead to removal of the piece for consideration for publication in the Journal.
Submission(s) made by the Author(s) shall not be plagiarised and the editorial board has the right to reject a plagiarised manuscript.
All manuscripts will be subject to the Journal’s double-blind review process.
Submission Deadline
The deadline for submissions for this issue is September 15, 2021.
How to Submit?
The manuscript shall be submitted in .doc/.docx format (Microsoft Office 2007 or above). Manuscripts should be submitted electronically to cadr@nludelhi.ac.in with the title “Submission—CJDR”.
For more details about the Journal and Submission Guidelines kindly visit the website through the link given at the end of this post.
Contact Information
In case of any queries, please reach out to us at cadr@nludelhi.ac.in.