Like every coin
has two sides, the impact of corona virus has also proved to be dual-sided. On the
one hand corona virus affected whole mankind through infection and on the other
hand, it provided nature to rejuvenate again, to heal all the damages caused by
mankind for their development. In recent days, we found Peacocks dancing in the
Local Streets of Mumbai, in the same way, Dolphins were found near Mumbai
seashore, and even Neel Gaye or Blue Bull was also found in the Noida street.
Due to lockdown
and maintaining social distancing, we found less number of traffic which
ultimately caused the drop in the percentage of Nitrogen Dioxide or carbon
Emission levels in the atmosphere which resulted in purification of
environment. We also found that most of the
viruses causing the epidemic to originate from animal kingdom such as Ebola,
Bird flu. Zika. Nipah Madcow etc. The Republic of China after the Corona Disaster
announced lawful ban on the trading of meat of dog and cat within the Country
and even China and Vietnam are going to frame regulations for banning any form
of wildlife meat trading.
Corona virus
only affected human beings largely and not any other living organisms. The
spread of this Virus confined human beings within the spheres of four walls of
their homes which in turn helped nature and other living beings to lead their
life free from human intervention. The resultant pandemic showed us a mirror of the reality of living life in confinement like animals in the cage, whom humans
confine for their entertainment purposes after providing them essentials basic
amenities but not freedom.
No doubt this the threat of corona virus will be finished or solved one or the other day, but we
should take a lesson and bad prepared to take reasonable measures for our
future subsistence. The Central Government with the collaboration of other
International bodies need to take some mandatory steps or rules for their
respective provinces for the protection of environment and to maintain
ecological balance. Some suggestions are as follows-
“Lockdown should
be imposed at least once in a year or minimum 15days curfew (Except Medical
“There should
not be any animal held captive in any institution for entertainment. For
educational purposes, scholars should be allowed to visit an animal sanctuary with
precautionary measures and strict legal rules. A person should realize there mistake but people are not taking their
fault seriously as unlock 1.0 announced people were normal to there life
and forget the social distance. As precaution is better than cure, the Government
should codify these principles with penal provisions for contravention as a
'vaccine' so that in the coming days our future generation shall not suffer like